Define your goals (to be)
Defining your goals and the steps to achieve them is a step by itself.
As they are becoming concrete and outspoken your goals can be achieved. Through our dialogue and introspection, I help you to determine what is important and rule out what does not correspond to your values. We make sure that your aspirations fit the life you want to create.
I help you clarify your desire for evolution and changes by leading you to question and transcend yourself.

Reveal your potential (do)
Progressing is a creative and stimulating process that reveals all your potential. Become the leader of your choices and transformations through solutions that suit you.
Each project requires resources such as time, knowledge, or connections. Identify them is a very stimulating and encouraging process because we commonly underestimate, or even forget what we are capable of. In the relationship of trust that is established in coaching, we determine which ones are already there and useful to you in this moment. We also assess the ones missing or in need to be developed to achieve your goals and settle a project. I support you to get to know yourself better and name your real potential.
Each project requires resources such as time, knowledge, or connections. Our goal here is to determine what is available now and useful for you in this moment. We also assess the ones missing and needed to achieve your goals or complete a project. This is a very stimulating and encouraging process because we commonly underestimate, or even forget what we are capable of. I support you to get to know yourself better and name your real potential.

Going forward supported (have)
Evolution is a combination of several steps. Coaching keeps you motivated during the process through regular assessment of your progress.
I support you from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow. Together, we define the milestones leading to your goal. Every session brings an opportunity to review the actions taken and assess their outcome. Then we devise the next step towards your goals. Already made solutions don’t exist, we agree on the forthcoming steps in your journey that reflect with who you are and at your pace.
This support is the very heart of coaching. It is the opportunity to ensure that all choices made are the right ones. I encourage, question, and go with you in every progress. I also provide you with tools and techniques to preserve and create autonomy in your journey.
Co-Actif coaching
My coaching practice is based on a method called “co-active coaching”.
In its most basic definition “Co-Active” simply means “to be in action, together”. Or maybe it would be more appropriate to say “being together in action”.
We are all naturally creative, inventive, resourceful, whole and unique. My aim is to make everyone aware of their strengths, potential and full conscious aspirations. By doing so, we also enhance the patterns or beliefs (or mindsets) that scuttle them, hence allowing the coachee to keep them at bay.
My focus is on the whole person rather than acting on divided categories like, “who are you at work? you at home? Who are you in a romantic relationship? “.
“Co-Active” coaching helps you broaden your horizons and perspectives, get you out of your comfort zone and allows growth along the way.